Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Awesome Egg Replacement

I was thrilled to find that the Ener-G Egg Replacer that I ordered online arrived in the mail today! For the past year or so, particularly since our arrival in France, this product has been a staple in our home particularly when baking. Over the holidays, I have used this product to make delicious homemade cookies and pies as well as commercial cakes and scones (some brands) that we could all enjoy. Over time, I have learned that the key to using this product is (1) to use enough of it - at least two even up to three or four times the amount called for in the directions to replace one egg depending on the recipe and desired results. (2) Beat the egg replacement with warm water like a "mad woman" until you produce a pure white frothy-like masterpiece! Your creation should definitely be considerably more voluminous (perhaps by a factor of two) than the called for quantity of eggs in the recipe. The key is experimentation and remembering that the goal is to create a "binder". The amount illustrated in the photo would in my mind substitute one egg. The ingredients are primarily potato starch, tapioca flour, leavening. Those of you that know me can attest to the fact that I am on the natural, unprocessed side of the food spectrum. In this case, I suppose you could make this concoction from scratch, but why bother!

Ener-G Egg Replacer

Egg Replacer + Warm Water

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